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Guo Tian-Rong*,Microelement absorption and metals accumulation in barley seedlings under the combined toxicity of cadmium and aluminum, Advanced materials research,2013, 575-574: 1064-1068 (EI 收录)
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郭天荣; 陈丽萍; 冯其芳; 戚志伟; 沈佳辉. 铝、镉胁迫对空心菜生长及抗氧化特性的影响,核农学报,2015,29(3):571-576
郭天荣*,王元元,刘金川,胡祎瑞,金栋,孙浩,铝、镉胁迫下不同大麦品种根际的铝、镉形态分析,麦类作物学报,2013, 22(2): 377-381
郭天荣*,外源抗坏血酸对铝毒害大麦幼苗的缓解效应,麦类作物学报,2012, 32(5): 895-899
郭天荣*,喷施 6-糠氨基嘌呤对铝胁迫大麦幼苗的缓解效应,浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2012, 38(6): 709-714
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